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jeudi 17 mars 2011

K-MARO Show-Case

Imposs doing the first part of K-Maro Show Case in Montreal.

Heart Angel were there to dress the musicians...

More pics coming

vendredi 11 février 2011

New Japanese Computer! Just Amazing!

Diddy buying new glasses from Vintage

The Vintage Frames Company is the global leader in the designer vintage sunglasses market. For the past 5 years our team of fashion historians have scoured the globe putting together the largest collection of vintage eyewear that exists! We have become very well known for our work servicing today's most elite celebrity and artists. Our vintage sunglasses can be seen globally in music videos, concerts, magazines and much more! For purchasing details or any information please visit WWW.VINTAGEFRAMESCOMPANY.COM or follow us on twitter @VINTAGEFRAMES

lundi 31 janvier 2011

HOUBBA collection, vous presente une collection de bijoux créés et réalisés par Léa Castelli. Chaque piece est unique et faite a partir de pierres semi-précieuses et d'argent.

"Houbba" est bien plus qu'une marque, c'est aussi un message.
"Houbba" signifie "amour" en araméen, bassin de toute les civilisations. Cela represente donc l'amour entre toutes les religions, entre tout les peuples. Houbba représente un idéal de paix entre chaque individus.

Porter une pièce Houbba, c'est transmettre un message de paix, de respect, d'amitié.

Vous trouverez sur le Facebook de la compagnie certains modèles, pour la plupart déjà vendu. Chaque pièce est faite sur mesure. Il suffit de me faire part de la couleur que vous désirez, le message que vous voulez exprimer, et vous recevrez un bijoux qui vous correspond parfaitement.

jeudi 25 novembre 2010

Interview Heart Angel

Little interview of read more, go to Heart Angel Fan page on Facebook!

See you guys

vendredi 19 novembre 2010

!... Last Chance ...!

Hey Guys!

Just a little reminder about the current collection...we are running out of stock in some styles. Make sure you log on the website @ to get your shirt of the first collection if you haven't yet.
Here are some of the sytles that will no longer be available as of January'11

In the midtime, join us on Facebook/HeartAngel and follow us on tweeter: @TheHeartAngel

mercredi 17 novembre 2010

God Bless U All

Pharrel Williams dedicated his new song to Chris Brown. Here's what he had to say about it:

"'God Bless Us All' is about Chris. When you hear me say, 'Hold your head up lil' bruh,' I'm talking about Chris. When I say, ‘You're a Brown in this world that's black and white,' I wasn't talking about the fact that there are issues and you're either black or white. I was saying the world is just very clear. It's black and white."

The incident happened more then a year ago, Chris has paid his debt to the society (community work), He has done his hours with the consellor (searched helped for his problem) and Rihanna did claim that she forgives him and wishes him the best....

All I have to say is : '' Anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. ''